Remember mild and mid-level stress is your teacher for building healthy resilience in all the systems of your being. Instead of avoiding it or tampering it, you can design and create a body and brain that receives stress in healthy ways.
What I Can Help You With
My Approach to Coaching
Clear Your Head to Get Ahead
Developing Resilience, for you and your team, Â in the Workplace
Target Audience
This workshop is aimed at anyone who has to cope in a high-pressure environment or who wants to lead themselves and others through change and uncertainty.
What is Resilience?
Resilience is the ability to cope when times get tough and to recover from change and adversity. Each of us is born with a renewable capability for resilience – the built-in capacity to heal, regenerate and grow – how well we utilise this depends on many things; the number and types of demands on us, our attitudes and beliefs about the world and the skills we have learnt and mastered for dealing with our environment.
What is the workshop like?
Our one-day ‘Building a Resilient Workforce’ workshop is unlike any management or leadership course you have been on before. The course is both participative and reflective and uses innovative and creative techniques to enable participants to explore the topic of Stress and Resilience in both safe and challenging ways. The techniques learnt on the course can be immediately applied professionally and personally.
How does the training work?
The training takes place over one day. Each participant has the opportunity to explore their current issues and challenges through a pre-workshop questionnaire and workshop sessions, and to develop new techniques to overcome these. Attendees learn a huge amount from each other as well as from the trainer. Participants may be asked to complete the DASS 21 questionnaire and the personality type questionnaire before attending the workshop; they will be up for discussion and explanation as the workshop progresses. During the workshop participants will develop their stress management action plan, complete a thinking skills audit and a locus of control questionnaire.
Some areas will be explored through use of video supplied by HSE.Gov.UK
Follow-up coaching sessions are offered to encourage delegates to continue with the new techniques they have learnt on the course
What are the topics covered?
- Exploration of the meaning of Stress and Resilience through words and imagery
- Stressors and current ways of coping using the Multimodal-Transactional model of stress, coping and performance
- Developing a stress-free relationship with our self through examining thinking errors
- Understanding personality types and locus of control
- Maintaining a resilient self
- Increasing our resilience level
- Taking care of our self
- Focusing and taking action on what is important
- Using our inner coach
- Choosing our reaction to things
- Key learning and action planning
What will participants learn?
After attending the workshop participants will;
Understand that resilient attitudes and habits can be learned and know that they are proven to enhance performance, leadership and well-being at work
Become more self-reliant and balanced increasing their leadership presence and gravitas
Improve their ability to understand and solve problems creatively and remain more optimistic under pressure
Increase their adaptability, flexibility and confidence and acquire a stronger sense of being grounded and in control when faced with uncertainty
Maintain performance and stamina during periods of high demand and be able to think more clearly and logically under pressure
Stay more motivated and focused and help maintain morale in other
Change previous responses to pressure to more effective resilient ones
Emotional Intelligence for Leaders
Building your Emotional Capital
Target Audience
Leaders who need to build an understanding of and develop their emotional intelligence.
In this one day you will uncover the science behind emotional intelligence & emotional capital, learn the emotional & social skills that drive effective leadership, and assess & build your own emotional intelligence and leadership success!
The workshop is designed to accelerate the practice of emotionally intelligent leadership. It examines the science of emotional intelligence (EQ) and the compelling business case for its relationship to leadership success. The workshop is designed to equip participants with the ten dynamic emotional skills that distinguish outstanding leaders from average ones.
As an intensely practical experience, the workshop remains sharply focused on the application and practice of the key strategies for building emotional intelligence. Itbreaks open the building blocks of effective leadership skills.
At the end of the day, participants will:
- Understand why a developed emotional intelligence is important for leaders today
- Learn how to manage behaviours that hold you back from optimal performance
- Understand the key strategies for building and maintaining energy levels at work
- Develop more effective communication and influencing strategies
- Learn how to leverage emotional strengths that build effective market driven relationships
A dynamic, intense, highly interactive workshop.
Strengths Based Coaching & Workshop
Building your Emotional Capital
Based on more than four decades of the study of talents, strengths, and success, Strengths Coaching is an invaluable opportunity to help you understand and apply the principles of strengths-based development to advance and help you learn, grow, develop, and achieve personal and professional success.
As a coaching tool the StrengthsFinder approach helps people understand more about who they are, what they are capable of and how best to use their talents to achieve their goals.
For teams it is a gentle, respectful way to help people uncover their talents and for the team to understand each member, bringing strength and resilience.
What You Can Expect
- You will gain tools, techniques, and invaluable experience to help you understand how you filter your world.
- You will receive sophisticated insights to help you respond to situations, work with others, get work done, and understand your biases and vulnerabilities.
- You will understand your talents and how to use them to produce results and reach your goals
- You will overcome obstacles, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities
- You will discover how to use strengths to transform your relationships
- You will understand your unique strengths within the context of others
- Managers will learn techniques for using strengths-based development to address specific team-related issues and challenges
- And teams will discover, develop, and use their unique talents for greater team engagement and productivity moving from being independent teams to interdependent teams.
The Strengths Workshops are usually a full day although they are also flexible enough to be run in shorter modules of two hours.
Everybody will need to take the Gallup StrengthsFinder2.0 assessment
- Understand the key strategies for building and maintaining energy levels at work
- Develop more effective communication and influencing strategies
- Learn how to leverage emotional strengths that build effective market driven relationships
A dynamic, intense, highly interactive workshop.
Personal Effectiveness at Work
Building your Emotional Capital
Target Audience
Anyone whose success at work depends on building and maintaining constructive relationships with their colleagues, customers and external contacts.
What’s Different About This Course?
The content, structure and overall length of this course combine to enable delegates to make lasting changes to how they handle themselves in work/business situations.
- 5 days in 2 modules (3 days + 2 days) run 4-6 weeks apart allowing delegates to implement initial learning
- Minimum 8 Maximum12 delegates – personal focus and maximum ‘tutor time’
- Ongoing post-course support for all delegates included
What Changes Can Delegates/Line Managers Expect as A Result Of The Course?
Delegates work on ‘real’ issues, some arising from pre-course feedback from colleagues, discussions with line manager or personal assessment. Consequently, the changes delegates achieve are related to their own objectives, often aimed at forming new, more helpful, habits of behaviour.
Previous delegates have experienced …
- Feeling more assertive, persuasive and in control in work meetings
- Having a more flexible style/approach when handling difficult customers/colleagues
- Taking time to consider and deliver an appropriate response to work issues and avoiding the ‘knee-jerk’ reaction
- Having improved self-confidence and self-image which has enabled them to perform better in their roles
- Improved ability to manage and motivate their teams through better communication and regular quality, feedback
- Being able to advise and help other colleagues in their handling of situations
What are the likely benefits to the business?
People who are successful don’t just have good ideas and work hard – they know how to get the best from themselves and from other people.
Businesses that are successful invest in the development of their managers’ personal resources and interpersonal skills and in doing so, not only improve the performance and productivity of those individuals, but also the people that report into them.
In addition, in a competitive labour market, development of people is not only about maximising productivity and profitability, it is an important factor in retaining them and keeping them motivated.
Programme Overview
- Understand their own personal style in relationships with others (boss, subordinates, colleagues, customers) and develop greater flexibility of approach
- Handle interactions and build rapport with others more effectively
- Develop confidence and resourcefulness in handling a broad range of people and potentially difficult situations
- Devise and implement strategies to improve their own self-management and their management of their teams
Briefly the course comprises
Part One (3 days)
- Getting commitment to full participation and personal change – setting ‘ground rules’ and considering Johari Window model
- Review of colleague feedback and setting personal objectives for course
- Understanding the importance of beliefs in driving behaviour and enabling skills through Logical Levels of Behaviour model
- Transactional Analysis – understanding own personal styles and interactions with others, recognising and breaking unhelpful ‘habits’ of behaviour
- Developing strategies to handle previously difficult situations more effectively
- Understanding the power of language – influencing self and others through use of positive language
- Developing self-esteem and programming success through dealing with limiting beliefs
- Creating ‘rapport’ to influence others and achieve better outcomes
- Feedback skills – giving and receiving feedback to maximise performance
- Post course work
Part Two (2 days)
- Review Part One and Post Course Work
- Understanding assertive, passive and aggressive behaviour and using assertiveness techniques
- Barriers to communication – developing listening and questioning skills
- Becoming more resourceful and in control: recognising unhelpful ‘drivers’ and patterns of behaviour
- Identifying and shifting unhelpful beliefs through ‘Timeline’ technique
- Goal Setting Techniques/ Peer feedback/Post course support
5 days in 2 modules (3 days + 2 days) run 4-6 weeks apart allowing delegates to implement initial learning
Minimum 8 Maximum12 delegates – personal focus and maximum ‘tutor time’
Personal Excellence at Work
Building your Emotional Capital
target audience
Directors, Team Leaders, sales people, managers and marketing professionals will learn and practice how to use these core skills for business and personal excellence.
- Understand what the model of communication is and how it can help develop new ways of thinking to benefit both work and personal life
- Review progress and build on the learning since completing Personal Effectiveness at Work
- Build on the skills learnt on that programme, particularly managing our state, addressing limiting beliefs and influencing others
Programme content
The key subject areas which will be covered over the two days are as set out below. The focus as ever will be on what delegates want to work on and so some additional activities/subjects/approaches may also be included!
- Review current knowledge and setting personal objectives
- Introducing the ‘Frames’ of NLP to put (& keep) ourselves in a resourceful place
- Understanding our habitual patterns of behaviour identifying this that no longer support us.
- Introducing the ‘Meta model’ and developing acuity in noticing other people’s language and our own, and how we can respond for a better outcome.
- Speaking their language to influence and be understood
- Asking questions to mobilise resourcefulness in ourselves and others -specifically using ‘Clean Language’ questions
- Handling interactions better – Perceptual Positions exercise to apply new thinking to existing relationships/situations
- Developing feedback skills – both in giving feedback and receiving it.
Delegates will be expected to complete an Integrative Enneagram personal assessment which will be used during the workshop.
The Coaching Manager
Certification Course
9-day NLP Coach Practitioner Certification
This 9-day NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training will take you from novice to competency and give you powerful coaching skills and NLP tools for positive influence in your current job and for your team.
Only a handful of schools have the knowledge and the experience to offer this ABNLP Coaching certification. This course is approved and certified by the ABNLP (American Board of NLP) and the ABNLP Coaching Division, and goes on to surpass the standards required by the ICF (International Coaching Federation).
What is NLP coaching?
Simply the most powerful and effective coaching method available. There are different types of coaching, but NLP coaching gets concrete results faster than others. NLP is based on the study of human excellence, NLP Coaching is the result of studying and utilising the most effective forms of coaching and communication skills available and combining this with the leading edge knowledge on human behaviour and thinking patterning.
As an NLP Coach you are far more than just a ‘coach.’ You will have access to the most advanced tools and strategies and methods for assisting individuals to clarify outcomes, align their values, remove any obstacles from the past and seek out and implement the specific strategies that will give them more assured success in the future. Using the full range of NLP Practitioner and Coaching opportunities brings immediate and measurable results.
With the Inspire Coaching NLP Coach Practitioner Comprehensive Training you will experience a unique opportunity to acquire and develop the most valuable personal and professional growth skills available, presented by skilled and seasoned trainers. The fact is, NLP provides remarkable tools for helping you to achieve higher levels of personal and professional effectiveness in all of your relationships, from your professional environment to your personal life and this is the ideal opportunity for you to begin.
Delegates will
- discover the patterns that to lead to a deeper understanding of others and self.
- develop skills and techniques for building a bridge directly to the unconscious mind to change unwanted habits and help resolve inner conflicts quickly, within yourself and others
- learn how to establish and achieve your goals while fine-tuning your perceptions.
- experience the extraordinary effectiveness of using communication precision powerful questions to change the direction of someone’s thinking
- master coach-specific tools and skills as well as how to use them outside of the coaching framework to improve any situation
- discover how to masterfully control your conversations with clients by using their preferred and subconscious thinking style
- apply NLP techniques to help your team break through their barriers to success and remove limited thinking patterns
- learn how to deliver constructive, meaningful feedback that causes people to gain a wider perspective and willingly adjust their behaviour
- stand out from the crowd of ordinary coaching managers and increase demand for your services by becoming one of the elite ABNLP Practitioner Certified Coaches
- understand international standards, practices and ethics in the field of coaching and gain the respect of being fully certified as a fully certified NLP Coach Practitioner.
This course is a comprehensive approach for gaining the competence and the confidence to work with the full range of NLP Coaching and Practitioner tools and skills to achieve immediate and measurable results.
Get Started Today
Mental Strength Matters
Enhance your mental strength, boost your resilience and secure your success.